My name is Adrian S. Erben, I am a german ancient historian and currently employed as a research fellow at the Chair of Ancient History at Bamberg University.
I am particularly interested in the ordering of communities from a local perspective and non-imperial actors. Geographically, I have specialised on the Roman Orient (especially Syria).
In my dissertation, I pursue the question of what role local groups played in ensuring the stability of the local order arrangement in the ancient metropolis of Antioch on the Orontes.

Latest publications
- (2023), Rev. “Patrick Brimioulle (2020), Das Konzil von Konstantinopel 536 (Roma Aeterna. Beiträge zu Spätantike und Frühmittelalter 8), Stuttgart”, Rottenburger Jahrbuch für Kirchengeschichte 41, 326 sq.
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